© Séverin Malaud


Construction of a Recypark

We all have those everyday objects that clutter up our lives and that we want to get rid of, but it would be a shame to throw them away when they could still be of use to others!

In Brussels, most Recyparks allow you to sort by material rather than by the condition of the object. Bruxelles-Propreté would like to change the image and operation of these infrastructures by drawing inspiration from the “donation” principle, which promotes an approach favourable to the circular economy. Prevention, reuse, recycling and energy recovery are the watchwords of the new Recyparks in Brussels.

The Recypark project will be built on a corner plot between the Belgica and Pannenhuis metro stations, wedged between the railway and a residential area. Most of this area is taken up by former industrial buildings. The aim is to make the most of these existing structures in order to examine their re-use and/or their potential to be dismantled for re-use.

Given the logistical nature of the programme, the creation of an open space is central to the project. It will be essential to devote special attention to this area to make it an exemplary urban and landscaping project.

This contract covers the creation of a pilot project to serve as a model for the deployment of future Recyparks. Bruxelles-Propreté is looking for a multidisciplinary team to bring this project to fruition.