Urban.Brussels © Séverin Malaud


Contract for Project Management Assistance

The Regional Mobility Plan, Good Move, has introduced a new tool known as the ‘Local mobility Contract’ or simply ‘LMC’, aimed at improving the neighbourhoods by reducing car traffic in Brussels and promoting active modes and public transport.

The LMCs help to encourage the inhabitants of Brussels to adopt a more rational and energy-efficient mobility, with multiple objectives such as reducing CO2 emissions, improving the living environment and making Brussels more resilient to global warming.

Since 2020, a series of 10 LMCs has been initiated with the first implementation in 2022. Since then, new calls have been made to the municipalities to initiate 5 new LMCs from 2023. Based on the experiences gained, Brussels Mobility wishes to strengthen and develop their skills in terms of support, monitoring and implementation of Local Mobility Contracts.

Therefore, the framework agreement contains 2 separate parts:

  • Part 1: Implementation plans and monitoring. That is to say the organization of the realization and follow-up of execution.
  • Part 2: Design and implementation of special places. This part consists in proposing and realizing temporary interventions. The team will have to involve local residents to consult and/or co-construct temporary interventions.

Each lot will be awarded to one bidder. The framework agreement has a fixed duration of one year, renewable twice.

Interested candidates are invited to submit an offer in a single stage, no later than 20.06.2024 at 11 AM.