(c) Séverin Malaud


Cultural and sports facilities

The St. Francis Xavier Church is located in the heart of the Cureghem district, close to the Midi train station. The neo-Gothic building was listed in 2008 but is now in a very poor state of repair and inaccessible to the public.

The municipality of Anderlecht, the new owner of the site, is looking for a multidisciplinary team for the restoration and  reuse of the church. The aim is to reassign the space and its surroundings in order to create a multifunctional centre combining culture and sport, such as circus activities, urban art and sports facilities accessible to schools in the neighbourhood.

The challenge of the mission is twofold: it is necessary to both restore and enhance the listed architectural heritage, and at the same time, to plan interior layouts capable of accommodating different programmes and audiences over time. The surroundings and the green space around the church should contribute to the integration of the project into the life of the neighbourhood.

The project is supported by the City Policy programme.