© Séverin Malaud


Public space

The Reine-Verte park in Schaerbeek was created in 2007 as part of a neighbourhood contract. The design by Erik Dhont created a terraced green space that links Rue des Palais to Rue Verte through the middle of an urban block. It is one of the few quiet public green spaces in this densely populated area of Schaerbeek. However, in the run-up to its twentieth anniversary, it is clear that adjustments will need to be made to optimise its use. This was highlighted in the recent analysis of the ‘Petite Colline’ sustainable neighbourhood contract. As part of this, the municipality of Schaerbeek, with the support of RenovaS, would like to carry out a number of punctual interventions.

Obviously, this will not involve a complete overhaul of this relatively recent park. On the contrary, the municipality aims to make targeted improvements that will have a significant impact on the day-to-day use of the park. For example, there are plans to open up the park to the neighbouring ‘De Buurt’ school and create a pleasant space where parents can wait for their children when school is out. The programme also includes the installation of recreational street furniture, rainwater management initiatives, and the integration of the gender dimension into the landscaping.

The redevelopment of public spaces by the municipality of Schaerbeek often puts strong emphasis on consultation and participation. This project will be no exception: a number of participatory events have already taken place, in particular during the establishment of the neighbourhood contract, and others are still to be organised in collaboration with the client. The design team will need to take this into account when developing the project. The challenge, then, will be to integrate an ongoing dynamic into a beautiful existing project.


The minimum skills required for this assignment are :
  • Design of public space and landscape
  • Design of furniture and play equipment
  • Public lighting
  • Signage and graphic design
  • Participation, consultation and communication
  • Urbanity (25%)
  • Habitability (25%)
  • Climate and environmental strategy (25%)
  • Feasibility (25%)
  • Invitation to submit a tender : 09.10.2023
  • Site visit and briefing: 11.10.2023
  • Submission of tenders: 17.11.2023
  • Presentation of tenders to the jury: 24.11.2023
  • Award of contract and start of the mission: january 2024
  • The budget of the work may not exceed € 351.353,75 incl. VAT.
  • The fees are fixed at 11% of the cost of the works
  • For this mission, a grant of € 5.000 will be awarded to each team invited to tender that submits a regular bid but is not finally selected.


If you are interested, we invite you to send an e-mail, before 04.10.2023 at 2 PM, to bouwmeester maître architecte at appel-oproep@bma.brussels, showing your interest, motivation and experience, and giving your contact details and/or those of the planned team (on a maximum of one attached A4 sheet).