© Séverin Malaud



The diagnosis of the Héliport-Anvers Sustainable Neighbourhood Contract highlighted the need to build new accessible housing, particularly for certain categories of isolated populations such as the elderly and single-parent families. The Brussels CPAS is therefore launching a call for proposals for 11 intergenerational housing units.

This project will offer an alternative to nursing homes for the elderly, by having them live alongside single-parent families, mostly women. It will encourage sociability and solidarity, while promoting equality, inclusion and emancipation for all.

The site concerned is a corner plot at the entrance to Parc de la Senne. This is a linear park laid out along the course of the River Senne, across 3 densely built-up blocks. The project will help to improve the visibility of the entrance of the park and make the public space more dynamic, with a community space planned for the ground floor, managed by the residents and including a social launderette. Finally, the soil will be depaved to create a shared garden for residents, which has the potential to create a green link with the park.

At this stage, the choice between renovation/extension and/or demolition/reconstruction remains open. In any event, the project the aim is to achieve conventional passive standards with certification. It should also have a circular approach, minimising the embodied energy of materials and encouraging the conversion of the building.

The CPAS Brussels is looking for a multi-disciplinary team with skills in architecture, stability, special techniques, health and safety coordination, EPC consultancy and landscaping.