Bouwmeester maître architecte

The position of the BMA is maintained and its competencies are expanded.

In recent weeks, the role of the Brussels bouwmeester maître architecte (BMA) has sparked some controversy. The Brussels government has now decided on the future role of this position.

BMA can continue to cooperate with public and private clients to improve spatial quality in the broad sense. The position of the bouwmeester and the team is maintained and even strengthened for the next mandate. The official design review by BMA that was already legally secured for buildings over 5000 m², will be extended to projects for public and open space.

Furthermore, BMA is reconfirmed as a public body in its own right, independent and transversal, and without any hierarchical relationship with the other Brussels institutions. BMA will be under the political responsibility of the Minister-President given that we continue to advise the entire government. The appointment procedure for the next BMA will be launched before the summer. Keep an eye on our newsletter !

We believe it is healthy that, in relation to this decision, the public debate on architectural quality in Brussels has widened. The petition ‘Qui a peur du Bouwmeester?’ has clearly shown that many voices within the architect’s sector itself have understood and appreciate the change in Brussels’ architectural policy. Nothing is perfect and our functioning can always be better. Over the past few years, the team and I have implemented many changes, and from 2025, it will be up to another bouwmeester to continue!

Long live the future ! Long live Brussels !

Kristiaan Borret and team BMA