© Francis Alÿs



In 2022, BMA launched its first Label. Following the success and quality of the initiatives supported over the past two years, BMA is continuing this call with the 2024 edition. The BMA Label aims to advance unsolicited research arising from citizen initiatives or research and design practices from their earliest stages. The aim is to identify and support innovative and relevant ideas applied to spatial concepts or research questions with an impact in the Brussels-Capital Region. Indeed, part of spatial research is based on a well-founded intuition, but often without concrete clients, budget, timeframe, political contacts, etc.

Citizens’ initiatives, designers and researchers are invited to submit their research question by e-mail to appel-oproep@bma.brussels by 13.09.2024 at 2 pm. You should explain the reason for the research question and give an initial outline of the expected result on one A4 page. Together with an external expert, BMA will select 3 proposals. The innovative character, social relevance and spatial dimension of the proposal will be considered.

The winners will each receive € 7.500 excl. VAT, to develop their project proposal. They will be asked to submit an action plan with an indicative timetable at the start of the assignment. The research will last for a maximum of one year. The results of the work can take various forms: publication on our website, public presentation, sharing in a podcast, exhibition, publication, etc. The opportunities are numerous!