Team Research by design : A city is not built in Excel

Within the team Bouwmeester Maître Architecte (BMA), we also do Research by design, and this often sparks curiosity and questions. “They work with 3D! There is a conflict of interest because they design and then sit on advisory committees. They seem to be taking the place of design agencies”. “But what do they really do? What is their added value? Do they correct other architect’s projects? In any case, they seem to meddle with everything!”.

Therefore, we made a publication. The aim is to highlight the work of the past few years and show the added value of Research by design to peers, public authorities and other interested parties. The booklet focuses not only on explaining the method but also on presenting the projects themselves through 10 themes. A roundtable on the issue of Research by design within the Brussels administration concludes the publication.

We see in the method of Research by design at BMA a demonstration of the return of design power in urban policy, with an eye for quality rather than mere quantity. “Team Research by design. A city is not built in Excel” is also an opportunity for us to look more broadly and look ahead during a booklaunch.

If you want to know all about BMA’s Research by design Team, come to the booklaunch of our newest publication. The program includes: a brief book presentation, some reactions from various design studios at ULB, KUL and UCL, and a discussion over drinks. And everyone will leave with a free copy of the book!