(c) Séverin Malaud



Tous Ensemble is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to create a residential accommodation for adults with multiple disabilities that can shine in terms of architectural excellence and the positive atmosphere that prevails there. Indeed, a client who is not afraid of architecture and wants a project that deviates from the beaten track!

The association, supported by the GGC, wants to build a residence for 15 disabled adults, as well as a day centre where 10 other people with disabilities can participate in joint activities. The aim is to create an inclusive place where both residents and staff can flourish in a positive, cheerful and airy atmosphere. A building with a strong architectural personality that inspires pride among its residents and admiration among passers-by. The building should give a positive image of the disability, and encourage people to go inside to discover the beautiful spaces or to meet the residents. What’s more, the centre will be open to the neighbourhood. There will be exchanges and activities with neighbours in the form of lectures, as well as small concerts or workshops.

The future centre of Tous Ensemble has a beautiful plot in the residential Uccle, next to the Lorrainedreef and close to the Sonian Forest. Because the plot is situated in an oasis of greenery and tranquillity, the future building will have to emphasize these qualities and give the residents a feel for the peaceful surroundings. A large garden will also be created for the users of the site with, why not, a number of sheep or other small animals …
For this exceptional assignment, Tous Ensemble is looking for a multidisciplinary team capable of translating their ambitions into excellent architecture.

For this exceptional assignment, Tous Ensemble is looking for a multidisciplinary team capable of translating their ambitions into excellent architecture.

Tous ensemble is not subject to the language legislation. Therefore the assignment documents shall be drawn up in French.