© Séverin Malaud


Intergenerational housing and collective amenity

The CPAS Brussels (Public Centre for Social Welfare) aims to develop a new housing project within the framework of the Sustainable Neighborhood Contract Versailles on two plots located at the border with Flanders. The site along the Allée des Moutons, offering picturesque views of fields, is the perfect location for creating an intergenerational residential community and a collective amenity managed by the community.

The 30 housing units the client envisions are intended for seniors and single-parent families, groups that often struggle to find affordable housing. The goal is to create a building that can support an intergenerational dynamic rooted in the local community. The client seeks collaborations with the community sector in the neighborhood, such as urban farming initiatives in nearby agricultural areas.

The CPAS is looking for a multidisciplinary team with expertise in architecture, structural engineering, MEP engineering, energy performance consulting, acoustics, and landscape design. The team should demonstrate a special sensitivity to the livability and residential comfort of these affordable homes.