The Bruxellien is a geological layer composed of alternating sands and sandstone nodules, playing a crucial role in the development of a prosperous city. Maxime and Lucile aim to narrate the shared history of Brussels and the Bruxellien, a story of both co-creation and co-alteration. The label hypothesizes that the Bruxellien is not an inert material but rather a living organism, exploited and visited. It is everywhere beneath our feet, within our walls and windows, influencing culture and human practices, yet fundamentally altered by these interactions.
By carefully considering and caring for the soils on which we live, “Du Bruxellien au Bruxellocène” will seek to trace the long history of the relationship between Brussels and its soils, inventory the manifestations of these connections, and place them on a living map. This small Brussels geological odyssey will open contemporary issues related to soil management and offer the possibility of better coexistence with the mineral world.