experts pool


Do you have a passion for urban development, an affinity with Brussels, and are you empathetic and articulate? Can you critically but objectively assess plans? Then you might want to join a competition jury.

The bouwmeester maître architecte (BMA) supports public and private clients in the transparent, efficient and quality-oriented organisation of competitions for new buildings, renovations, public spaces, etc. When assessing the competition designs, we believe that an external expert on the jury is always an added value. BMA is often asked for advice on the choice of such an external juror. To open up that option – also to unexpected profiles – BMA wants to put together a pool of jurors with interest and knowledge in a diverse range of expertise fields.

At the request of the client, BMA can put forward 3 to 5 names from which the client itself makes a choice. To this end, BMA looks at expertise, language skills, a balanced composition of the jury and takes professional independence into account. During previous competitions approximately 30% of the experts were put forward by BMA.

As a member of the jury, you will thoroughly analyse the competition proposals before the jury, actively participate in the Q&A-session after the presentations and develop and substantiate an opinion during the jury debate. For participation in the jury, you are usually paid EUR 400 per half day, including advance study time and travel costs. If you travel from abroad, the reimbursement will be adjusted accordingly.

You can register until July 15th using this form.