© Séverin Malaud

Lepoutre – Brugmann


The municipality of Ixelles plans to revitalize the green spaces at the centre of Avenue Louis Lepoutre and Place Brugmann in Ixelles. It is evident that these central public spaces in Brussels’ “Little Paris” are in dire need of an update. They are currently fragmented by outdated expanses of asphalt, the last refurbishment dates back to the 1980s, some of the trees are dying and the urban furniture no longer meets the needs of local residents.

The municipality of Ixelles is therefore looking for a motivated team to rethink these local green spaces from a sustainable perspective. The challenge is to make the most of existing strengths and uses, while adapting these spaces to the challenges of climate change: maintaining trees but adapting vegetation; new functions without risking losing those that already work; improved rainwater management, among other things.

This call is focused on this challenge. It will begin with a diagnosis of the existing situation and a more precise identification of the factors to be considered by the redevelopment. It will continue with a participatory process bringing on board local residents and shopkeepers – in which the project team will be required to play an active part, therefore to be developed in the bid. And finally will end with the realisation of the project, from the sketch to planning permission, which will take full account of the needs expressed during the discussions with local residents. This project will be in close collaboration with the municipal services, which will carry out the work themselves.


The minimum skills required for this assignment are :
  • Urban planning
  • Landscape
  • Participation
  • Quality of the proposed participatory process (35%)
  • Quality of the method for translating the participatory process into a project outline (35%)
  • Price (30%)
  • Invitation for a bid: 07.11.2023
  • Site visit and briefing: 09.11.2023
  • Submission of bids: 01.12.2023
  • Award of contract and start of the assignment: 19.12.2023
  • The works will be carried out by the municipality. The estimated cost of the works are in the amount of € 700.000, however their exact scope will depend on the outcome of the participatory process.
  • The fees are estimated by the municipality at € 55.000.
  • A grant of € 1.200 will be awarded to each team that submits a regular bid but is not the final winner. The bid is limited to an 8-page A4 document.


If you are interested, we invite you to send an e-mail, before 26.10.2023 at 1 PM, to bouwmeester maître architecte at appel-oproep@bma.brussels showing your interest, motivation and experience, and giving your contact details and/or those of the planned team (on a maximum of one attached A4 sheet).