© Séverin Malaud


Reintegrate the water cycle into the urban environment

Woluwe, a well-known Brussels name given to several communes and a major boulevard, has its origins in a river: more precisely, a major tributary of the Senne. It rises in the Sonian Forest and runs through Brussels before flowing into the Senne at Machelen.

This waterway, with its ponds and green spaces, contributes to the continuity of the green and blue network and enhances the landscape of the area. Although its course was canalised in the 20th century, it has been renaturalised and enhanced since the 2000s thanks to the work of Bruxelles-Environnement.

Near the Royale Belge site, the Woluwe is vaulted parallel to the boulevard. The building, pond and grounds have recently undergone considerable renovation. As a continuation of these efforts and in line with the objectives of the Brussels-Capital Region’s Water Management Plan, a project to redevelop the front of the square has been launched, incorporating the Woluwe in the open air.

The scheme has several objectives: to reintegrate the water cycle into the urban environment, diversify habitats, combat flooding and extend the promenade along the water between Place Wiener and Herrmann-Debroux.

Bruxelles Environnement is looking for a multidisciplinary team to carry out a complete study of the development. This landscaping project requires both a landscaping and hydromorphological vision, taking into account the urban context, nature conservation and heritage.

A landscaping mission,with the development of the area taking into account the opening up of the Woluwe; a development and planting plan respecting numerous technical constraints; the integration of the project with respect to the remarkable character of the Royale Belge building; the landscaping integration of the hydraulic works; and mobility in the intervention area (access for cars, pedestrians and the emergency services).

A hydromorphological mission consisting of the hydraulic development of the Woluwe, taking into account: the current depth of the channel (2-2.5 m underground), the connection with the channel upstream and downstream, the risk of flooding, the development of banks compatible with nature conservation objectives, and the connection between the Woluwe and the Royale Belge pond.

A communication mission consisting of completing the signage on the site and informing the parties involved in the current project, in particular local residents, local authorities and site users.

The minimum skills required for this assignment are :

  • Landscape architecture
  • Hydrolomorphology
  • Architect*
  • Ecological expertise
  • Graphic design

* The presence of an architect on the team is only required because in Brussels all applications for building permits, including for public space projects, must be submitted by an architect.

The team must be able to execute and monitor the entire contract up to completion of the work. If necessary, the team will include other disciplines it deems necessary to carry out the entire study up to completion of the work.


  • Urban quality (1/3)
  • Climate and environmental strategy (1/3)
  • Feasibility (1/3)
  • Invitation to submit a tender: 08.12.2023
  • Site visit and briefing: 13.12.2023
  • Submission of tenders: 21.02.2024
  • Presentation of tenders to the jury: 14.03.2024
  • Award of contract and start of the mission: May 2024
  • € 1.300.000 excl. VAT
  • The fees are fixed at 10% excl. VAT of the cost of works.
  • A remuneration of € 4.500 will be awarded to each team that submitted a regular bid but was not chosen as laureate. The content of the offer is a 9-page A3 note of intent.


If you are interested, we invite you to send an e-mail, before 01.12.2023 at 2PM, to bouwmeester maître architecte at appel-oproep@bma.brussels showing your interest, motivation and experience, and giving your contact details and/or those of the planned team (on a maximum of 1 attached A4 sheet).

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