© S AM Swiss Architecture Museum


The Brussels Way of Making the City

In autumn 2024, the exhibition “Soft Power: The Brussels Way of Making the City”, will open at the Swiss Architecture Museum S AM in Basel, putting the spotlight on the conditions required for a high-quality building culture, through the prism of the BMA’s work. The exhibition’s curators, Andreas Kofler and Roxanne Le Grelle, aim in particular to raise public awareness of the competition culture in Brussels and Belgium, the system of a Bouwmeester maître architecte (chief government architect), and the various tools supporting this function, illustrated by a selection of projects launched in Brussels.

To translate this approach into an exhibition, the S AM is looking for a scenographic design team.

The scenography must appeal both to specialists and to a general public with an interest in architecture. It will need to offer a dual experience, enabling visitors to gain an overall view of the issues raised by the exhibition while exploring more specific content. The exhibition will be travelling at least one time. With this in mind, and in order to limit its environmental impact, the choice of materials, the take-down/adaptable aspect and the ease with which the proposal can be implemented are all important.

After the application phase, three candidates will be invited to submit a vision, illustrated by ideas and principles, of how the content of the exhibition is to be expressed in spatial terms, along with a methodology outlining how the candidate intends to operate within the framework of a collaborative and iterative practice. The competition does not require an overall, spatialised scenographic proposal.

Applications can be submitted in German, English, Dutch and/or French.
The bids should be in English and the jury will also happen in English.