(c) Séverin Malaud

Paris I renovation

Amenities, Housing

The old Evere care home, on the corner of Rue de Paris and Rue du Bon Pasteur, is going to be given a new lease of life. Indeed, the municipality of Evere aims to transform this building dating from the late 19th century into a little community hub with housing units for the neighbourhood. The ground floor and courtyard will be refurbished to house a yoga-style exercise room, a community grocery and artists’ workshops, which will enhance the life of the community around the hub. Eight to ten housing units are planned for the upper floors, with a majority of large units. This project thus aims to create housing units in an unoccupied building, as well as enhancing the local environment and sense of community.

For this contract, the project lead will need to put together a team with expertise in architecture, stability, specialist techniques, energy efficiency and including a surveyor. They must demonstrate creativity in imagining an open relationship between a building and its context and good management of the various functions within the project. For reasons connected to the funding required for this project, the contract is organised into fixed and conditional parts, described in the tendering documents.

This project is supported by the Politique de la Ville planning policy.