(c) Séverin Malaud



The last few weeks that we have just spent have put an even stronger emphasis on spatial development issues. Among these is the issue of densification. How can we act on urban density? How can we approach the question of density in the light of the events we have experienced and the challenges that lie ahead?

In 2018, the Brussels Region presented its new Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD). On the one hand this established the principles of well thought out densification and on the other hand the foundations for the development of a pleasant, sustainable and attractive living environment. But how can these objectives be achieved in practice? What strategies should be put in place to move from the strategic plan to tangible implementation that really help to build a dense but qualitative city? These are the questions that perspective.brussels wants to investigate during a masterclass on the theme of density, and for which a curator is being sought to support the process.

The Masterclass will take place in the autumn for one week; students, architects, professionals and academics of the world of urban development will be invited to study Brussels cases and dream up strategies for densification or qualitative densification. In collaboration with perspective.brussels, the role of the curator consists of three phases:
-The preparation of the masterclass, i.e. defining the methodology, preparing the brief, selecting the participants, choosing the case studies;
-Leading and management of the masterclass;
-Evaluation of the results of the masterclass. For this phase, the curator will be supported by a team of graphic designers or urban planners who will be appointed at a later date.

Through the study of specific individual cases, the objective of the masterclass is to highlight practical solutions illustrating the conditions for a reasoned and qualitative densification of the urban fabric of Brussels. These solutions will be listed in an educational and attractive “practical solutions book”, produced after the masterclass.