Housing - Creche - Facility

Opposite Westland Shopping in Anderlecht is a plot divided into two parts: one is home to a park dedicated to monumental art plus artists’ housing and a documentation centre, the other to be the site of this call.  On its programme: the construction of about 60 medium-class homes, a crèche with space for 56 children and a cultural facility for the asbl which currently manages the artists’ park. All this in a heterogeneous urban context with, on the neighbouring plot, housing slabs connected to the shopping centre via a pedestrian walkway.

Project imperatives include the desire to make the most of the undulating land, activate the building onto the boulevard, walkway and artists’ park and ensure interaction between the housing, crèche and cultural facility.

The Société du Logement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (SLRB) is seeking a multi-disciplinary team (architect, stability engineer, special techniques engineer, PEB advisor, health and safety co-ordinator and acoustician) for the complete mission.