(c) Séverin Malaud



The municipality of Forest shows great interest in the possibilities of temporary use. The objective is to define more accurately the final project and outline how it will be managed. Meanwhile off course, the idea is to make best use of the available space.

This call asks applicants to specify how they will define, coordinate, dynamise and manage the project for temporary use of the CHASSART and AXIMA sites, both located in the lower Forest neighbourhood. This district falls within the perimeter of several urban renovation programmes: Urban Policy, Urban Renovation Contract Avenue du Roi (CRU4) and Sustainable Neighbourhood Contract Wiels-sur-Senne.

By allowing temporary use of these sites, the municipality aims mainly for the organisation of non-profit socio-cultural activities. Housing or social projects aimed at vulnerable people (homeless, refugees, etc.) are possible but must be linked to the Regional Urban Renewal Policy.

The municipality wishes to put out a public call so applicants are treated equally and information is processed transparently. The municipality of Forest will support through a subsidy the proposed activities as well as the operations of upgrading the building essential to the organization of these activities and for receiving the general public.

• The team must have successfully delivered at least one temporary use project on a site and/or building over a period of at least 6 months.
• The team must have successfully delivered at least one project with a social purpose with a strong local connection and a high level of synergy between several functions (e.g. urban agriculture, housing, collective equipment, work/production space, workshops, …).

• 27 April: launch of the call
• 8 May: site visit and information session (depending on the development of the current situation)
• 27 May: submission of proposals
• 5 June: advisory committee
The call covers an estimated period of 29 months (from July 2020) and may be renewed for a period to be determined at a later stage.

• Understanding the call (50%): All the added value elements that the proposal brings to its environment; Integration within its context and more specifically the social and temporary dimension; The human relational qualities generated by the proposed approach; Local connection and the diversity of the target users.
• The methodology and the professional and organizational capacity to execute and carry out the project (50%): Credibility of planning; Proposed budget; Proposed techniques, materials and facilities; Organizational chart; Internal communication.