© Séverin Malaud

Traffic calming

Redesign of public space

The Midi district contract highlighted the significant impact of car traffic on the neighbourhood’s public spaces, affecting residents’ quality of life. The priority, therefore, is to calm traffic in the district by encouraging soft modes of transport, allowing residents to reclaim their living environment. To achieve this, a number of measures are envisaged, such as alterations to sections of the main roads in the heart of the neighbourhood and notoriously dangerous crossroads, alterations to grid-pattern streets to act on a block-wide scale and improving safety around schools and facilities.

In this context, the municipality of Saint-Gilles is issuing a call for tenders for a landscaping project to improve the quality of life and the layout of public spaces in the heart of the Midi district.
Traffic calming in public spaces requires alterations to the roads as a whole, from one building front to the one opposite, to improve safety. The aim is to enhance living conditions for all the district’s users and at the same time bring nature right into the heart of this dense district by including as much earth soil and as many plants and permeable materials as possible in the plans.