(c) Séverin Malaud


The Brussels-Capital Region pays a lot of attention to the schools located on its territory and their integration into their urban context. This is why the School Team of perspective.brussels has developed a new tool to improve the openness of schools to their environment: the School Contract.
In spring 2019, the government adopted the legislative framework for this new urban renewal instrument. In order to select the next School Contracts a call for applications was launched for the organising authorities of schools.

In this context, the School Team is looking for a multidisciplinary team to develop action and investment programmes for the contracts that will be selected by the government. This is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 School Contracts.

The mission includes 3 parts for each School Contract with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 contracts to be studied:
– Part 1: Development of a diagnosis and definition of priorities
– Part 2: Development of an action and investment programme
– Part 3: editing of the synthesis report

The team must be able to demonstrate its experience in architecture and urban planning; experience in school equipment is a plus. The School team will pay particular attention to the proposed participatory methodology, which should make it possible to involve as many different actors as possible in the action and investment programmes.

The minimum skills required are as follows:
– Architecture-urban planning
– Participation with particular attention to the young public and schools
– Analysis and editing

Week of 16 September: 3 to 5 teams will be invited to submit a bid;
Week of October 14: submission of bids (team note, intention note, methodology);
Week of 21 October: submission of tenders to the Advisory Committee;
November 2019: assignment and start of the mission.

Quality, clarity and relevance of the vision and methodology (70%)
Realism of the planning (20%)
Ability to synthesize and put into perspective (10%)

FEES: Fixed at 100,000 euros excluding VAT;
GRANT: 1,500 euros awarded to each of the 2 to 4 not selected teams that submitted a regular bid and having obtained half of the points.